Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mind Wandering

Below is a comment from Silagh White, a follower of this blog who offers her own suggestions to stress relief.

"I used to be a runner. Since my knees have deteriorated, I swim when I can (dang, limited Lehigh pool schedule) and do a lot of baking. Many of my experiments don't work. But it's the handy work that helps me relax. Just taught my daughter how to make basic bread by hand yesterday. That turned out a lot better than muffins earlier in the week.

"I think it's the repetitive motion that focuses thoughts. I have also found great opportunity for mind wandering while gardening, knitting, sewing or crafting. Some of my friends enjoy making art as stress relief. Classes at Banana Factory are great for that. And also drumming circles are very effective."

I strongly agree, and have previously mentioned, the idea that repetitive motion or thinking can serve as a successful means to distraction, thought organization or a general pick-me-up if the repetition involves something you can actively enjoy. One article mentions four my previous suggestions: journaling, meditation, exercise and music. Logic games like sudoku also offer the opportunity to focus your thoughts on something that's not stressing you out.

Baking is a good idea because, in addition to preoccupying yourself, you can end up with a tasty reward. Baking or cooking also lets you create and go through trial and error, which can be an emotional release for some people. I actually tasted one of Silagh's baked concoctions, and it was a delicious muffin! This stress relieving tactic can improve another person's day, as well!

Heed some of Silagh's suggestions and find the "mind wandering" experience that best suits you!

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