Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Just like my previous aromatherapy post, I've decided to write about something else I hear about and know people rely on but have never committed myself to: yoga.

I've heard about the wonders of yoga from teenagers, college kids, parents, men and women. My friend goes to classes at a public park district and raves about it, so don't assume it's only for people who are willing to pay for expensive sessions. She's also not very athletic or meditative, like I assumed yoga practicers are. The music is usually a little "zen-ish" as she called it, but that might help relax you if you don't find it too irritating.

I've actually gone to a class with my friend, where I discreetly positioned myself in the back of the room, of course. Hiding wasn't even necessary though because it was a beginner class, which I highly recommend starting in. I've seen people doing higher level things and it looks more stressful and strenuous than anything if you're not accustomed. Some of the beginner's moves were even a little uncomfortable, but I could tell those who had been to more than one class were definitely enjoying themselves. One other minor issue that distracted me we the names of the positions and and how they kind of described the strange body movements only through color or animal or adjectives not usually applied to humans. Maybe I was just easily distracted that day. You make up your mind about this. Anyway, by the end of my first and only class, I was a little confused but feeling good.

While yoga looks like just stretching, it's definitely a good workout physically, in addition to mentally. (Note a couple mental and emotional benefits of staying physically healthy in my previous post!) Feeling fit and relaxed after a good workout is probably why most people left that yoga class with a smile on their faces. It offers so many good things. If you're not the type breathe methodically and center yourself, just try it as a workout option that leaves you feeling limber and toned. If you are the type to go for a source of meditation, great! You get the bonus of a workout. Either way, based on my single experience and the more extensive experience of others, yoga is definitely a good way to relieve stress and relax mentally, emotionally and physically.

Check out another post oddly appropriately titled A Workout for Unwinding. (My blog is called Time to Unwind. Get the coincidence?)