Friday, January 21, 2011

New Beginnings!

With the new year comes a new semester, the return to work after a holiday break, the fresh chance to fulfill resolutions and the right time to start your first blog ever (well, in my case). All definitely great opportunities for success and self-improvement... until you start to feel the pressure of new classes, looming projects, increasing responsibility, the potential for failure. But now is not the time to let nerves or an overwhelmed feeling bring you down. That would be wasting some ideal opportunities or at the very least valuable experiences. Now is the time to minimize the stress that comes with the excitement of new beginnings and take full advantage of the circumstances.

Get organized! But try not to think of it as another task to add to the list. Of course sooner is better, but not necessary. Organize at your own pace, so this doesn't become part of the daily stressors you're trying to avoid. Organize to stay on track or even ahead of the game. Organize so you have time to schedule in fun and relaxation if you feel like it's currently lacking from your day. This in itself could feel like an accomplishment, and just wait until organization lets you smoothly coast through the activity of your day, week, month and so on!
Stay optimistic! What positive effect could self-doubt or constant worry bring, especially so early on? If you already feel behind, go ahead and stress about the issue. Then take a deep breath and deem that moment a new beginning from which you can look forward to the future. Might be easier to maintain optimism if you don't have to worry about a disorganized lifestyle, too...
Finally, laugh! Do something funny and unrelated to whatever is stressing you out, even if you feel like you don't have time. It takes only minutes to hold an entertaining conversation and laughing shouldn't require any conscious effort, right? If you don't feel like talking, watch a funny show, read a funny book or just think if the last thing you laughed really hard at.

These tips are meant to relieve some of the stress that builds in everyone's daily lives thanks to things like under preparation, overbearing authority or just not enough time in the day. I hope to help you breathe easy, even if just for a few hours. Keep an eye out for more suggestions! Some will be specific, funny, encouraging, mentally or physically invigorating, and definitely apply to you!

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