Monday, January 31, 2011

Being sick sucks.

Everyone around me seems to have been hit by the flu or some other illness that always seems to strike at the worst time. Unfortunately, it's now my turn to get sick. My intended Sunday of productivity was inhibited by fatigue and mucus (gross, sorry), and now I'm starting to stress about what I didn't get done due in part to my inability to stay awake. This is not a good feeling. It is a mental burden that I don't sense contributing to my recovery or will to get out of bed. The feeling I have right now is one I want you to avoid.

Some common sense (that your mom may have already shared with you):
1. Get sleep! I sleep like the college student I am, and now I feel the repercussions. Try to set a regular bed time so that you don't find yourself watching just an hour more of TV or getting a little more work done that can be addressed in the morning. Also, only nap when it's really necessary to avoid not being able to fall asleep at night. Unfortunately, I can't say I stay true to this nap rule...
2. Take vitamins. I do it every morning, and it can't hurt efforts to stay healthy.
3. Vitamin C. I love citrus fruits, but now that I'm sick I've upped my intake to Airborne status.
4. Stay physically healthy. Exercise, eat right, drink magical herbal tea, you know.
5. Stay mentally healthy. Too much stress will affect your immune system, giving you more to stress about and probably making it harder to get better if you do get sick.

Number 5 is something I'd like to dwell on. It may take some conscious effort, especially if you're really busy, but don't neglect practicality, even if you're under a lot of pressure! Habits that contrast with those listed above will pretty obviously be detrimental eventually. Then, when lack of sleep does catch up with you, illness probably won't be something you welcome. Then, that illness becomes another source of stress and enhances previous stressors you can't address because you're sick. Then you can't focus on getting healthy again. Frustrating cycle. There's nothing good about ignoring the simple common sense required to stay healthy!

Pay attention to what stresses you out. This blog offers some quick fixes to regular, everyday stress so that you can go to bed at ease. But if you need more than a quick fix, look for it! It should take just slightly more complicated common sense to stay mentally healthy. Your health will affect your emotions, like mine right now as I sit here frustrated with a blanket only half on in attempt to regulate my feverish body temperature. But the effect can be greater than that, which is why it's important to stay healthy and avoid the stress, sickness, more stress, more sickness pattern. You know how to stay physically healthy... just use common sense or ask a mother figure. Now think about how you personally stay mentally healthy.

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