Thursday, March 24, 2011

Need. Sleep.

Tonight I'm going to write about the need for sleep because that is exactly what my mind and body is feeling right now. I have been a little stressed about the amount of stuff I have to get done, but I haven't been committing to any all-nighters or being overly active or anything. So I don't exactly know why I'm exhausted, but I am. Unfortunately, I have to admit that it might have to do with some petty distractions that I have just succumbed to every time lately. My work will be complete for the day, then I'll stay up until odd hours doing useless things or talking to whomever I run into in my house. From past experience, I know this will catch up with me when I do have a long day of work and I don't have the energy to do it to full potential. Then, that will stress me out.

There is probably a number of solutions depending on the distraction, but heed some advice if you ever feel like you have found yourself in this habit of delaying going to bed. Women, take Harvard's advice as motivation to just end your day. In addition to the obvious feeling of lethargy, lack of sleep can slow your metabolism and weaken your immune system. And, like I've said before, letting yourself fall into poor physical condition probably isn't going to improve your mental or emotional state. This would just be another thing to worry about. College students, I know we've all pulled all-nighters and it feels inevitable at times, but you don't feel too pleasant the next day, right? Avoid it when possible. Try following some of these tips, and remember, "College students who pull “all-nighters” are more likely to have a lower GPA."

In general, here's what I should try harder to stop doing: constantly snacking at night, watching too much TV, joining whatever conversation comes my way for far too long and just thinking too much to actually let my brain rest. Most of my distractions are things I should just avoid, and others can be attributed to lack of organization and an increasing lack of energy for obvious reason.

So just remember how important sleep is, even when you have a million thing on you mind or encounter a Real Housewives marathon. STress is definitely more likely when you're not well-rested!

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